1-1. The Gassho-style House in Shirakawa-go: A Hira-iri type house (entrance on long side)
1-1. The Gassho-style House in Shirakawa-go: A Hira-iri type house (entrance on long side).

1-2. The Gassho-style House in Gokayama: A Tsuma-iri type house (entrance on gable side)
1-2. The Gassho-style House in Gokayama: A Tsuma-iri type house (entrance on gable side), with a projection on the gable end , giving the appearance of a hipped-gable roof.

Fig.1.The Exterior Appearance of Gassho-style House
(from Inagaki, Eizo ed. Minka to Machinami, Tokyo : Sekaibunkasha, 1989)
